Saturday, 2 July 2016

Whoops - a - daisy!

Good morning everyone....well actually it seems to be afternoon now! My day started off a bit dramatically as I went head over heels in my little garden and hurt myself rather a lot! I was pretty shaken up too so ended up having to lie down for a while. Then I had a bath to wash off all the grit in the bumps and scratches and now I am trying to start off my day again....... I thought I would have done most of it by now and been able to paint today but now I have still to go shopping, do the ironing, tidy up the kitchen and....clear up the mess in the garden!
Well yes....that was the idea at 9 o'clock this morning....perhaps I can just forget the ironing and the tidying, whizz down to Tesco then come back and do this after all! Anyway I can try! Everyone stay safe this weekend....I had better go and clear up the broken flowers and flowerpots first. Actually, if you know me well, you will know I am besotted with my tiny garden so actually it has made me rather sad as well as battered and bruised. Never mind, like the flowers I can heal and look where I am going next time.


  1. My Lovely Lynne, Just because Aries has gone forward in the skies, it is not an excuse to go running into the future, falling about in the garden and tearing about the kitchen, and then Tesco !!!!! Sit down and be still, darling. As Mooji says give yourself space to flow...... Gigli xx

  2. My Lovely Lynne, Just because Aries has gone forward in the skies, it is not an excuse to go running into the future, falling about in the garden and tearing about the kitchen, and then Tesco !!!!! Sit down and be still, darling. As Mooji says give yourself space to flow...... Gigli xx

  3. Oh no!! So happy you weren't too damaged. Sending a healing ((hug))
